Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday, October 29th, 2010

Again, there were too many people in the park to bein our new regular spot.  Luckily, we found an approach to one of the staircases blocked off for workers who were not using it.  This gave us a nice little area for juggling.   A group of Japanese tourists came by, two of which juggled with us, we met a photographer named Michael who took a ton of pictures, and a mysterious woman in a cute faux-beret. She wouldn't juggle because she was trying to maintain professional decorum, or something.  I took a picture.

Funny thing was, as she was maintaining professional decorum, she told us that was the one reason she wasn't juggling with us, as if association with a bunch of jugglers in the park would have some sort of effect on her perceived businessworthiness.  When she finally came over to explain this to us, her business contact showed up at the same moment, and stood behind her.  This spoiled her plan not to be associated with us, and they both scurried off quickly.

Alex, Seth, Krista, Kelly, Japanese Tourists, Michael, and Beret Lady.

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