Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

 Very nice Tuesday juggle.  We all missed the transit of Venus, although it was visible in Westchester, thirty miles to the north, for a few minutes.   We had a large contingent from India and Israel.  Catherine, Jared, Rhoda and a returnee from last week were all in attendance, along with about thirty other folks.  One favorite moment was watching a man who calls himself Wayne take a picture of the juggling sign, and turn to walk away    I had to give him some grief.  I said, "so your going to go home, and look at this picture on the computer and think back to that thing in the park that you didn't do?"    Wayne, who's real name is Svyatoslav, got my point, stayed, and juggled with us for an hour. 

The last three pics at the bottom are Wednesday morning, they were doing a shoot for the cover of Weddings magazine on the steps of the library, hence the Bride in the background.

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