Friday, November 22, 2013

Edward Marritz joins the 10% (11-22-2013)

At Bryant Park we get a lot of people that walk by taking pictures. Sometimes we get film or photography students that are working on a project. Mostly we get amateur photographers (aka tourists) that love to watch the group juggle. We do try to stop each person that is taking pictures to ask them to submit their pictures to the group for posting for everyone to enjoy.

Alex tells the shooters (photographers) that only 10% of the people that we stop to talk to will actually send us their pictures for us to use. Today we met another photographer Edward Marritz. Edward told us he was going to join the 10% of people that submit pictures to us and sure enough he did!

As an appreciation to the work that people do submit to us I try to give credit as direct as possible. So here goes:

Thank you!!!

C/O Edward Marritz
Cinematography & Photography

Some basic principles from his website—

-Pick up the camera
-Find a shot
-Hold the shot, let the scene play
-Be unreasonably patient
-Be willing to move
-Beware of restlessness
-When expectations are derailed or thwarted, keep going
-Let heart and gut influence choices as much as thoughts


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